Choose the most convenient

We offer free consultations both remotely and in person - in the factory, office, as well as we go to the client. Before arriving to our address, please arrange your visit in advance and apply for free parking. If you prefer remote communication, contact us via WhatsApp, Zoom or MS Teams.
See you again!


Phone: +371 630 248 61


Adrese: Aviācijas iela 6, Jelgava, LV-3002


Maris Zukovskis

+371 291 021 25

Accounts department:

+371 630 248 40

+371 630 248 45

Working hours

Factory working hours

I-V: 07.00 - 16.00

Office working hours

I-V: 08.00-17.00

Aftersales 24/7

+371 296 774 92

+371 297 993 85

+371 283 500 97

Cargo acceptance

I-V: 07.00-16.00

+371 630 248 69

Company details


SEPA id.: LV23ZZZ41703003835

VAT no: LV41703003835

Legal address:

Jelgava, Aviācijas iela 6, LV-3002, Latvija

AS "Swedbank"

HABALV22 LV38HABA0551032733438

AS "Citadele banka”

PARXLV22 LV54PARX0007739510002

AS "SEB banka"

UNLALV2X LV80UNLA0008200467926

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